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Hi Emma,
We tried following your advice through the weekend, and here is what happened:
Bed time – regression to previous norm and even worse. Friday, she fell asleep without fuss just with a bit of settling, but she got three vaccines that day and probably was very tired. Saturday and Sunday nights sleep routine started at 20.45, she fought sleeping in bed even ⁶worse than the naps. We attempted the pyramind several times with my husband dancing aroung with her in his arms for a long time. 22.15 I fed her again both nights in hopes that she would settle. She screamed and cried for 20 more minutes, then fell asleep while shushing and patting. Both nights about 22.40, I think, it was sheer exhaustion.
Night wakes – around 3 am for feeding. Then 6am and we start morning routine.
Could it be that she sleeps too long naps? Total nap time per day is about 6hr and total night sleep is close to that. When she sleeps more than 2 hr in the pram or in a sling, I wake her up. Should I wait for her to wake up? How long is too long?
The other thought would be that she needs more milk to feel content. Should I add a bit of formula? Now she is awake for 1,5 hour before starting the sleep routine. During that time she gets fed after her nap, and then dring the sleep routine.
I am desperate for more sleep during night, but she seems very alert in a morning. She is tired in the evening and is quiet in my husband’s arms. But as soon as she is laying in her bed she starts kicking and then immediately screaming.
Naps – I am implementing nap routine in a sling every time and she falls asleep quickly and easily. This happens during the day, in the evening especially the last nap is hard, she needs a lot of settling. Saturday morning my husband tried to apply your suggested nap routine and put her in her bed. He had to give up after some time. She just screamed all the time.
Not sure what is failing here.