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Welcome To The Members Area! Forums Baby Sleep Help Help with pyramid for 2 month old Reply To: Help with pyramid for 2 month old

  • Joyce Chang

    January 11, 2025 at 1:25 am

    Dear Emma,

    My baby is now 3 months old – about 2 weeks ago we had gotten her bedtime to 8:30pm for 3 days and she could sleep a long stretch until 12-1am, but then she started to roll and we had to transition her out of the swaddle. We did one arm out for 7 days and then put her in the halo transitional sack which she has been in for over a week now. It seems to work well for her in the later part of the night (1am -7am) but we’re having a lot of trouble in the beginning of the night even though that is supposed to be when deep sleep predominates. We can get her settled and down in the crib initially but she always wakes up before 45 minutes have passed (sometimes even within 16 minutes) and then is impossible to settle back down again with the pyramid without being held – she repeatedly wakes up between the hours of 9-12. We were trying to keep the 8:30 bedtime but it’s hard to always cap her last nap at 6:30pm because sometimes she doesn’t go down for her last nap until 6:15pm depending on how the rest of the day goes, and the time that she skipped the last nap because her previous one ended at 5:30pm was really horrible with overtiredness. I have tried adjusting her last wake window between an hour and 45 minutes to 2 hours and 20 minutes to see if maybe she is under or overtired but neither seems to make a difference. I’m wondering if she’s either not ready for an earlier bedtime or maybe it’s now too late for her based on her current age? Or perhaps she needs more time to adjust to being unswaddled though I’m not sure why that only impacts her in the beginning of the night?

