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Welcome To The Members Area! Forums Baby Sleep Help Multiple night feeds (and very early wake time) – 5mo Reply To: Multiple night feeds (and very early wake time) – 5mo

  • Jill Deberlanger

    December 8, 2024 at 6:48 am

    Hi Emma,

    It’s a very recent development (5th day now that he does it). If I understand correctly then:

    For now just feed when he wakes up like usual, he’ll probably learn to link his sleep cycles next so if I just wait it out a bit, he might start weaning of night feeds by himself the next couple of weeks. I already noticed that his first wake up was already four hours in, instead of the usual three, so I think this might work.

    If he doesn’t start linking them and keeps waking up in a couple weeks, I’ll try to wean him off myself by reducing the feeds and using the settling pyramid instead. A great idea to start with the first half of the night, the early hours of the morning really are the hardest to stick to the settling pyramid.

    He used to eat 12 times a day + night, so he ate every two hours during the day and during the night. But I think we solved that problem now by giving him a bottle two times during the day. He’s spacing them out to 3 hours again.

    At daycare they told me he falls asleep around 8:30 to 9, but he only sleeps for about 15minutes. Is that okay too?

    He does go to sleep independently at daycare (they put him down drowsy but awake).

    And for naps, I´ve been able to put him down for every nap today without any help (nap routine, putting him down and walking away, in about 5 minutes he settles himself to sleep) so that´s a great development too.

    A great tip for going to bed at certain times, I indeed have noticed that sometimes he wakes up when I go to bed too and sometimes he sleeps a few more hours. That’s probably why.

    Kind regards,
