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  • Emma H

    March 22, 2024 at 12:15 pm

    Hi Anastasia,

    You can totally keep going with contact naps. Those cuddles while they sleep are so precious!

    Just make sure if you plan to let your little one sleep on you, you still do the pre-sleep routine and make sure that last step is calming (e.g you might sing a lullaby while you hold him in your arms). By completing the pre-sleep routine before he falls asleep, you will be creating a sleep cue for your little one and this sleep cue can then be used when you want him to nap in a crib or a safe sleep space.

    Also if you feel up to it, I would recommend give him 1 opportunity a day to practice falling asleep in the crib or sleep space. The morning nap will always be the easiest. By doing this you’re allowing him to develop the skills necessary to fall asleep independently (with you applying the settling pyramid of course!).

    Enjoy those cuddles!
