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  • Vivian Kristina

    March 21, 2024 at 4:43 pm

    Thank you for the clarity! I thoroughly enjoyed your course and it’s nice to see your little one too 🙂

    Should we wait until he is tired before putting him in his crib for bedtime?

    For naps, when should we start the naptime routine – when he’s showing early, mid or late tired cues?

    My baby is also using a pacifier to sleep and as part of naptime and bedtime routines. If it falls out and he cries, should I pause and try to let him go back to sleep by himself or should I replace it?

    Are dream feeds necessary? Does sleeping through the night mean 11-12 hours of sleep without waking, which in my case he’s not able to do yet since he wakes frequently has a morning feed around 2-4 hours before the 12-hour mark?

    He also still poos a lot during the night, how do you suggest we go about diaper changes? He’s prone to nappy rash so I’m careful to want to do frequent diaper changes

    I notice that your baby only has 4 feeds a day, my baby still has 2 hourly feeds during the day, is that alright?

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 4 weeks ago by  Vivian Kristina. Reason: More questions and did not receive a reply yet
    • This reply was modified 10 months, 4 weeks ago by  Vivian Kristina.